Prickly Heat

Sufferers can experience symptoms ranging from a mild rash through to swollen, blotchy and severely itchy, red patches.

Prickly heat is a condition where the skin is unable to release heat efficiently. In the most extreme cases these areas can sting and become painful. Anyone who has suffered such episodes will know what a nightmare this can be.

It can develop anywhere on the skin and is thought to be brought on by sustained exposure to hot temperatures and humid conditions.

The symptoms of prickly heat are often made worse by a poor choice of clothing and cosmetic products.

Clothing can rub giving the sufferer another form of irritation whilst some personal care products can block the pores of the skin making the suffering worse.


  • Keep yourself cool
  • Wear loose clothing
  • Keep hydrated
  • Only use non-comedogenic products (The ones that do not block the pores of your skin where the heat is trying to escape)
  • Use a cooling and soothing gel or lotion to relieve symptoms
Soothe Prickly Heat


Passion for Natural Aloe Vera Gel – this light and easily absorbed product contains Aloe Vera which has minerals and amino acids that are known to support the complex repair mechanism of the skin.

The gel will soothe your skin and will not block your skin pores, giving your skin the optimum chance of recovery.